For the purposes of the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, through this Privacy Policy, Microceller Son Crespí SL informs the Users of the Website about its policy of protection of personal data collected from the Website, so that they can freely and voluntarily determine if they wish to provide Microceller Son Crespí with Microceller.  the personal data that may be required or that may be obtained on them on their access and use of the services offered on the Website.

The only personal data to which Microceller Son Crespí will have access through the Website will be those that the User voluntarily provides and that will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, “LOPD”), and its implementing regulations. In this sense, it is necessary for the User to know that for the provision of the services offered through the Website, personal data will be requested, the collection of some of which is entirely necessary for the provision of the services that the User may have requested.

In compliance with current regulations, Microceller Son Crespí expressly states that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it treats, as well as to avoid its possible loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.


Without prejudice to the provisions of each of the forms on the Website, the personal data provided by the Client will be part of a file owned by Microceller Son Crespí to manage and respond to your request, as well as to send you information about the products and services, both by postal and electronic means. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, as well as revoke the consent given for the sending of commercial communications, by sending an email to the address


The products and services offered on the Website can only be contracted by individuals over 18 years of age with full legal capacity to work. Microceller Son Crespí reserves the right to verify at any time the age of users who intend to use these products and services, reserving the right not to provide them if it is suspected that the User is a minor.


Microceller Son Crespí informs and expressly guarantees users that their personal data will not be transfered from to third parties. In any case, if Microceller Son Crespí decided to transfer users’ personal data to third parties, their express, informed, and unequivocal consent would be requested in advance.

Microceller Son Crespí may disclose information about the User without their prior consent if required by law or required by a Judge or Court.


Microceller Son Crespí reserves the right to modify, update and/or adapt the Privacy Policy to any change in the applicable legislation or the interpretation of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, or to introduce any change that is considered relevant or appropriate by Microceller Son Crespí.

Microceller Son Crespí will notify Users of any changes to the Privacy Policy by means of a notice on the Website and will be applicable from the effective date of publication.

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